Lent - Tuesday March 26
Matthew 27:45-56, Mark 15:33-41, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:16-38
The Example of Jesus
Throughout the Crucifixion and death of Jesus, God kept His promise to us that He would send a Savior, His Son, to come and die so that our sins would be forgiven. This promise-keeping God is the God we worship, the God we follow, the God who would die for us. Jesus came to Earth knowing that His time here would end in death. He came despite that knowledge. He went willingly to the cross, so we could once again be reunited with God. This loving God is the God we serve.
He has placed us all on Earth for His good, to glorify Him alone. Jesus was the perfect example of this. He came to the world and followed God’s plan for Him. Now God calls us to follow Him and His plan for us. God’s plan for us is good. However, that does not mean that it will be easy. Jesus’ path was not easy. He never said ours would be easy, either. Death was not the end of Jesus’ story, nor is it the end of ours. It is just the beginning.
Questions for Reflection:
Think: In what ways do you see Jesus willingly following God’s plan through the story of His Crucifixion? Do you think Jesus had an easy time following this plan? Why or why not? How does this story challenge or encourage you as you seek to follow Christ’s example?
Pray: Are there any parts of God’s plan for your life that you are struggling to follow in your current season? Today, spend some time in prayer, asking God to search your heart for any areas of resistance. Then, ask Him to help you as you seek to follow Him.
Respond: Today or in the next few days, spend some time intentionally thanking Jesus for His willingness to lay down His life for you and humanity. You could write Him a letter, spend some time worshiping Him through music, or any other creative way that you can come up with to give Him praise for all He has done.
With thanks to B4Church