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Questioning Jesus in the Unknown

Rev. Peter Benzie

Lent - Thursday February 29

Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25

Questioning Jesus in the Unknown

When Jesus invited His disciples to travel across the lake, I wonder what questions arose. Perhaps they asked, “What is Jesus doing? Why would He just walk away from this crowd?”

On their journey into the unknown, the disciples found themselves amidst a storm with more questions. “What if we drown? How can Jesus be asleep? Doesn’t He care if we die?” Yet, Jesus was unphased by the storm and unintimidated by their questions.

Perhaps we are invited to experience Jesus along with their questions and uncertainty. Storms and questions are inevitable. But Jesus invites us to cry out to Him honestly. Jesus can handle our questions and welcomes us just as we are because nothing is unknown to Him.

Questions for Reflection:

Think: How do you think you would feel if you were in the disciples’ shoes? What might you have done or said if you were there?

Pray: Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind a situation in your life that requires a deepening of your faith. Then spend some time seeking His guidance on how you can best use that circumstance to grow.

Respond: How might the Holy Spirit invite you to present your questions and uncertainties to Jesus? What would it look like for you to do that this week?

With thanks to B4Church

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