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In the Name of Love

Rev. Peter Benzie

Lent - Tuesday March 25

Matthew 27:45-56, Mark 15:33-41, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:16-38


The last week of Lent is called Holy Week. During this week, we focus on the events of Jesus’ last days on Earth. This week’s readings will be the descriptions of the Crucifixion given by each Gospel writer. We focus on these particular passages not to wallow in the pain and suffering but to humbly acknowledge the lengths to which Jesus went for every one of us. This act of love and grace enables us to be reconciled to the God who loves us enough to sacrifice His own Son on our behalf.

In the Name of Love

In Romans 8:38-39, Paul makes it clear that what Jesus did on the cross was, without a doubt, the most significant act of love that our Creator has done. He wants to reconcile with us, no matter the cost. In his Gospel, Matthew points out that Jesus was here to bear the heavyweight of our sin. Matthew 8:17 makes the connection to what the prophet Isaiah said, “He took up our infirmities, and bore our diseases.”

In a moment of darkness, the body of Jesus was bearing our sins to encounter death. This act was preceded by His cry to the Father: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” Jesus had to die like a human, flesh, and bones, to reunite us with the Creator. He did this for love. He loved us so much and wanted us to be clean so that we could be in communion with Him.

Paul was able to understand this love. He wrote it down in a letter so that we would never forget how important this love is. So, may we be reminded of that truth during this Holy Week.

Questions for Reflection:

Think: Can you visualize the weight of your sins on the body of Christ on that dark evening? Do you agree with Paul’s conviction in Romans 8:38-39?

Pray: Express your gratitude for the love that Jesus showed you on the cross. Visualize how your old sins are dying with the body of Jesus. Those sins will never be able to separate you from the Creator.

Respond: This week, work on memorizing Romans 8:38-39 so that it will be in your head and on your heart when you go through difficult times. You may also want to send these words to someone you know who might need some encouragement this week.

With thanks to B4Church

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