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Rev. Peter Benzie

Ministers Monday Moment - Think Big, Dream Big, Trust God

Alena and I went Christmas shopping recently. Well really I went Christmas shopping and Alena came with me. In one shop we came across these wooden objects - one of which said "Think Big, Dream Big." I said to Alena perhaps I should get that for the church but it misses the most important two words - Trust God.

Then last night our prayer meeting Debbie prayed those exact words "Think Big, Dream Big." That is God's confirmation of his call to us. A call that we have heard many times but perhaps none more clearly than in 2012 when I believe God said to us "Think Big, Trust God."

As I hear God's call to "Think Big, Dream Big, Trust God" I sense that his call to us is to do better at all three than perhaps we have in the past.

Here's where I put my hand up and say "I need to trust him more, to trust him completely, and not let what seem possible obstacles as being things that will delay us." I'm talking about the extension. I jumped from a few words from our lender on what we will need to show to be able to get the loan we need to "I don't think we'll be in the extension next year - we'll have started but we won't have finished." Those I spoke those words to looked at me in shock - and so they should have. When I saw those words at that shop and then when Debbie spoke them in prayer, I took that as God telling me off. Telling me to Think Big - Dream Big - Trust him." After all he's already given me lots of ideas of how we can build the extension in a way which meets what he needs in a way which is affordable - more on that soon (but if you want to start giving towards this ask me for the new Building account number).

So as you go into the week earn from my mistake and "Think Big, Dream Big, Trust God" - for whatever you need.

Blessings for the week

May the peace of God surround you even as you are surrounded by the chaos that is the commercialised Christmas. May your eyes be fixed on he whose incarnation we celebrate - Jesus Christ.


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