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Ministers Monday Moment - Staying Connected

Rev. Peter Benzie

Today's announcement that we will all have to stay home for the next four weeks whilst expected in some ways has also no doubt brought some nervousness for some. What will it all mean? I confess I don't know yet but one thing I do know is that through it all we need to continue to be connected - perhaps in a way we have never before been connected

One of the challenges facing us over this next period is how we stay connected to each other and to God. We brainstormed some ideas yesterday at what I think was an amazing service (I hope you did too) and I've attached those below and more are in the comments on yesterday's service (see our Facebook page). I ask 3 things of you

a) when you think of something else - share it with us.

b) choose (at least) one of these ideas and do it. Don't wait for someone else too.

c) check on each other and especially our older folks and those who are most at risk.

and finally if you need anything, no matter how big or small, remember I'm here.



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