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Minister's Monday Moment - Taking a step in faith

Those who were at our Sunday Worship Service yesterday, or who have watched online, will have seen me pause for quite a while part way through the last section of the message. I was talking about how we renew our hope - specifically in this bit I was talking about stepping out in faith.

I had big news to share from the Servant Leaders but in my mind I needed to plan how we would present it so that it achieved the right result. I was going to share it sometime soon but in the future. I paused at that point because I sensed the Holy Spirit saying "tell them now." That pause was God & I in conversation (prayer) as I processed that "word" as to whether I was hearing right. I believed then and I do now that I did and so I announced that we are stepping out in faith

to double the size of our building. Well, I actually said we were going to push out the wall behind me (the one at the front of the church) - but that will be the result - an approximate doubling in the size of the auditorium.

I'm sure you are already thinking about the possibilities this brings. Possibilities like

  • larger services as more people join and worship with us.

  • larger celebrations - birthdays, weddings, celebrations of life (Funerals) etc.

  • greater opportunities for ministry in the community.

I'd love you to leave a comment with others that you think of.

There'll be lots more to come about this including how you can be involved but for now there's a couple of things you can do

  • Pray - this is not a small project and lots needs to come together including Council resource consent, finances, timing etc. Pray that God's will be done in all these areas.

  • Think about how you might help (when we built our current space everyone - young to old - pitched in building, painting, digging, plumbing, providing morning tea, finances etc).

I'm excited about this. I'm hopeful for what it will mean for the advancement of God's mission through his church. It is a step of faith - a step of faith that this is God's call (I am sure it is) and that he will both make a way and provide the resources etc. we need (I know he will).

Have a blessed week - be hopeful and be excited and take a step of faith with me and your Servant Leaders.


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