And so the America's Cup stays in New Zealand. What a series. But all over so quickly. I must admit I felt a lot less stressed watching the racing after that "come from behind" victory in race 7, albeit that it was possible because Luna Rossa made a mistake (after we had made an earlier mistake). It just shows that you should never give up even when all seems lost.
That's a powerful lesson but today I want to talk about technology. I heard this morning that it's being said that one of the reasons we won was because we had fantastic technology. Technology that enable Te Rehutai (the boat) to go faster, that enabled Peter Burling and the sailors to sail her faster, to get the best out of her and to ultimately win the 7 races that they required to successfully defend and so retain the America's Cup.
Are you making the most of the "technology" God has provided you with to be successful in what he is calling you to be? Are you making the most of his Word, the Bible (available in hard copy, digital and audio technologies)? Are you making the most of the clutter free, never off-line communication channel we have with him - prayer?