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Embracing Generosity and Contentment (2)

Rev. Peter Benzie

Day 2: The Subtlety of Greed

Greed often infiltrates our lives subtly, much like a frog in gradually heated water. It is crucial to recognize this subtlety to address greed before it takes root. Jesus teaches that aligning our desires with God's standards rather than the world's is essential. By being vigilant and self-aware, we can prevent greed from overshadowing our spiritual journey. This awareness allows for a life that reflects God's values, focusing on contentment and gratitude rather than the endless pursuit of more. [31:57]

Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”” (Hebrews 13:5, NLT)

Reflection: In what ways have you noticed subtle signs of greed in your life, and what steps can you take today to align your desires with God's standards?

This week's exercise is to identify something we own that we don’t need and either give it away or sell it and give the money to someone in need – simple. We’re not being asked to sell everything, just something.

This may be really hard and feel excruciating initially and that’s okay - dare I say good. It’s cutting away our emotional attachment to things. But on the other end is freedom.

The reach exercise for this week is to simplify. Pick an area of your life - your wardrobe, bedroom, living room or garage - go through it thoughtfully and peacefully and declutter it of every extra thing. You can give your extra stuff away to those in need via the Easter Refuge Society (contact Jenny The Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, another op shop or give it directly to someone you know.

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